Part 16 – A Salty Guard

A header image displaying Token Tales, and the title of the Arc, on Perilous Waves

The Party approaches the Pirate Cove. Outside, they’re stopped by an old sailor clad in tattoos and golden adornments. His smirk flashes golden teeth as he sits in his old, rickety chair. He regails, or perhaps mocks, them with old tales of the ocean and his successful pillaging of plunder. His favourite tale involves hitting […]

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Part 17 – Intruders!

A header image displaying Token Tales, and the title of the Arc, on Perilous Waves

The Pirates inside the Cove are less understanding than the ones outside. The Party’s reputation precedes them, and they’re noticed inside the Cove. An open room full of tables and crates quickly becomes a location of a skirmish. Pirates seem to arrive from nowhere, swinging down from ropes or bursting out of small ships parked […]

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