Most of the Cove is quiet and littered with dead Pirates. When the Party believes it’s over, they’re disturbed by the harrowing footsteps approaching them. Even though they’re dressed as a Pirate, there’s no mistaking the creature that stands before them – A Mindflayer! Introducing themselves as the First Mate of the cursed crew, they’re disappointed with the task of having to recruit a whole new crew to sail the seas with. There’s no talking with the angered First Mate, before the Party can collect themselves, they release a torrent of spells upon the Party, starting another fight for their lives.
Things to Prepare:
- A Stat block for a Mindflayer or similarly strong Spellcaster.
- A room for them to fight in, filled with Pirate themed furniture… and dead bodies.
- Some Magic Items the First Mate may be using during the fight.
- How will a Spellcaster Pirate fight differently to normal Pirates?
On Success: The First Mate is defeated, though where is the crew’s Captain?
On Failure: The Party is captured or killed by the First Mate.
Reward: A Strong Spellcaster would certainly carry Magic items for the Party to loot.